Corsages to Dye For I: class/tutorial

Corsages to Dye for I: 3 lessons/$38.00

dyed ribbonDo you find yourself wishing “if only I had a ribbon that was this color or that”, or “why didn’t it come in my favorite colors”? If your answer is YES, then let me invite you to take a colorful journey into the realm of dyeing your own RTD (ready to dye) silk ribbons. I will teach you how to prepare your ribbons then dye them to create one of a kind, creative and colorful ribbons. These ribbons will then be turned into magical works of floral art for your own “corsages to dye for”!

Skill Level Intermediate: hand sewing and ribbonwork knowledge helpful

Lesson 1: This class you will learn how to mix the Colorhue dyes (no other dye will be used or discussed); you can use the basic color wheel or create your own colors. You will learn a series of techniques to prepare the ribbon for dyeing, then dyeing the ribbons that you will use in the next lessons. I will also cover over-dyeing and “antique coloring” of the dyed ribbons.

Lesson 2: The second class will focus on making the flowers: the Rose and Bud; Butterflies Delight; and the Harlequin flower. I will show you options on how to use each flower, from a single flower to a group of flowers. Which corsage you decide to make is up to you.

Lesson 3: The third lesson will focus on making the leaves from the ribbons that you dyed, then stitching all of the components together for each corsage.

*Note: The Corsages to Dye For series need not be taken in order. In each class you will learn how to prepare the dyes; and each lesson will cover a different set of preparation techniques to create the colorful patterns in the ribbons.

Class Information

These classes can be purchased at any time, there is no set schedule.The class can be ordered by contacting Christen: She will send you an invoice through PayPal.

Once the class is paid for, the supply list will be sent out. The lessons will begin one week after the purchase of the class, unless otherwise stated. You will receive an email with the lesson attached. The following lesson/s will arrive one week after the previous lesson.

A high speed internet connection is recommended, and you must have basic computer and internet skills. You will need to be able know how to download and save a document to your computer’s hard drive, open it and print out a copy.

You can contact Christen with any questions pertaining to the class/class information throughout the length of the class.

Class fees will not be refunded.

Happy Stitching!


One thought on “Corsages to Dye For I: class/tutorial

  1. Pingback: Day 27 of FLOWERS GALORE! | Christen's Creations

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