Archive | March 2012

Fall International Quilt Festival: 2012 Teaching Schedule

I am so honored to announce that I was accepted as a teacher for the upcoming Fall International Quilt Festival held in Houston Texas, October Wednesday 31 2012 – Sunday November 4, 2012. Please click on the link for further information.

ribbonwork flowers

The first class that I will be teaching is called “Ribbonwork Flower Gardens”, Wednesday October 31, 2012, to support my new book Ribbonwork Gardens. This is a 6 hour class that will cover twelve of the basic techniques covered in my book.

ribbonwork flowers

I will be giving a lecture Thursday November 1, 2012 on “Ribbonwork Gardens”, showing the gallery examples included in the book, as well as others from my collection. A small sampling of these examples can be seen on C&T’s flickr page.

I will be participating in the Mixed Media Miscellany, Thursday November 1, 2012, with my presentation: “Successfully Playing with Color”. This demonstration will open your world to the possibilities of COLOR. Teaching you how to easily create your own colors and dye baths with successful results every time.

I will be participating in the Friday Sampler, November 2, 2012, with my presentation on “Designing with Color”. Color and where to use it has always been a question asked by my students. I will give you insight on my own color theory, and how I use this in my work.

I will be teaching “Bohemian Button Bracelets”, November 2, 2012. This is a three hour class, where you can bring your treasured stash of buttons, beads and charms to create a one of a kind bracelet reminiscent of the Bohemian Gypsy in all of us.

vintage buttons

I will be participating in the Saturday Sampler, November 3, 2012, with presentation on “What’s in Your Button Box?” Everyone has a button stash and it may include buttons passed down through the years. I will give you some tips on identifying these treasures, along with showing you samples of my own collection.


I will be teaching a three hour class called “Tandletons”, on Saturday November 3, 2012. These little threaded works of art are made from a stuffed silk bias ribbon button, and stitched with dyed cotton embroidery thread and a few embroidery stitches.

I hope to see you there!

Happy Stitching, Christen