Rose ‘N Bud Brooch

Rose ‘N Bud Brooch

rosenbudbroochDo you ever dream of days gone by when women’s clothing was adorned with flowers? This lovely rose is reminiscent of those days gone by, where beauty and femininity were present in everything aspect of our lives. This is a simple flower to make, so easy that you can in fact complete it in an hour, and where out the door! Come join us!


Class Fee: $15.00/1 hour class

*Please note that this class does not include any of the materials, supplies or tools; these must be provided by the student.

Class Requirements: hand sewing skills are a must

Date and time: Not currently scheduled.


This class fee is paid directly to Christen. This can be paid by a PayPal invoice, or by cash or check the day of class. Please email to inquire about the availability of space for the date listed above.

Happy Stitching ~Christen

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