Leap Year, 2024: To Many Frogs!

too many frogs!
too many frogs!

To Many Frogs! is a story about a gift gone awry. One year for Valentines Day I gave my husband a stuffed frog holding a heart that said “I love you”, he keeps it on the dash board in his car to this day. My husband’s interests are playing tennis and watching sports, but other than that no hobbies or other quirks. He was so delighted with the frog that I decided to give him a hobby, “collecting frogs”. “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” is his favorite ride at Disneyland after all and besides I thought that it would be fun and would make gift giving less of a challenge for my daughter and I.

Well….. our family on a larger scale got in on the act (his mother and my mother to name a few culprits)! Now we have over 200 frogs and a few toads!!!! We have a table shaped as a frog , a frog ocarina, several leaping frogs, a couple of frog boxes, quite a few small frog beads (he-he cause I could use them for something), a counter full of stuffed frogs, a rattan letter holder shaped as a frog, and of course no collection would be complete without a “prince charming” or two.

We have frogs sitting sweetly on lily pads, swimming in leaf bowls, and leaping off the counters. We have lounging frogs, cooking frogs, serious frogs, and happy frogs. But I have to say that the most annoying frog we have is the frog that “ribbits and croaks” Jingle Bells on command when you clap your hands. I promptly removed the batteries and hid it in the closet until I could “gift” it to the thrift store!

The moral of the story is to choose hobbies wisely and don’t include your relatives in on the secret, or you too may receive a singing frog!

Enjoy, create, live, be happy…. ribbit. ~Christen

3 thoughts on “Leap Year, 2024: To Many Frogs!

  1. Hilarious, Christen.

    Hal’s was and remains “bears.” He is Bear and I am Bearess.

    I have done much to discourage others (tactfully, of course) and all has been quiet for a few years. From experience, that can be a bad luck comment. Oh, well.


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